The Senate of the Philippines has launched its official Viber channel designed to serve as a reliable platform for disseminating current and accurate information on legislative activities and official events to the public.

The Senate Viber Channel is a resource hub for institutional photo releases and statements, committee hearing schedules, and plenary session updates. Through engaging content, it will also offer relevant information about the rich history and legacy of the institution.

Benefiting media entities and the public, the channel will provide direct access to timely and accurate information, a fulfillment of the Senate’s commitment to transparency and accountability.

Senate President Francis ‘Chiz’ G. Escudero believes that the establishment of the Senate channel offers a strategic opportunity to enhance information dissemination given the popularity of calling and messaging apps among Filipinos here and abroad.

Apart from efficient information dissemination, the Senate Viber Channel will also serve as an effective tool to combat the spread of fake news and misinformation in social media.

“Misinformation is a plague, and in the age of instant communication, it spreads like wildfire. The Senate Viber Channel is a shield against that plague,” Senate President Escudero said.

“It is our responsibility to equip our citizens with verified facts and empower our people to make responsible choices. Providing the people with reliable and readily accessible sources of information is a crucial step toward fulfilling this goal,” he added.